
 The Launch Meeting of Functional Design Feasibility Project of Şırnak Silopi Greenhouse Specialized Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) and Modern Greenhouse Themed Workshop has been held in our university. The Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan, Şırnak Municipality Deputy Mayor Bahar Cavlak, The Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, District Governor of Silopi Can Kazım Kuruca, General Secretary of DİKA Ahmet Alanlı, Vice Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şimşek, General Secretary of our University Assoc. Dr. İbrahim Baz, Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Selman Demirel, Project Manager Assoc. Dr. Asaf Tolga Ülgen, Project Coordinator Dr. Yelderem Akhoundnejad and Provincial Coordinator of DİKA Murat Kati attended the meeting . Chairman of Şırnak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Osman Geliş and the Workshop Committee Members from different universities of Turkey, Prof. Dr. Nafi Baytorun, Prof. Dr. Yıldız Daşgan, Assoc. Dr. Özlem Altuntaş, Dr. İbrahim Şanlıalp and Orhan Altınoz also participated in the workshop over the video conference system. Stating that they have carried out many projects for the development of our city, Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan followed as; “The organized industrial zone which specializes in agriculture, is gaining more and more importance in our country every day. We plan to employ approximately 2 thousand people with the support of our Governorship and Dicle Development Agency with our thousand decare Antalya Şırnak Greenhouse Fellowship project. In addition to the geopolitical, economic and geographical location of our province, greenhouse activities will be more important with the Habur Border Gate”. Osman Geliş, The Chairman of Şırnak Chamber of Industry and Commerce, said; “Silopi and Cizre districts in our region are very suitable for greenhouse cultivation. This project will also increase employment in our city. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project” , in his speech.Stating that the project is being carried out in cooperation with Şırnak University and Şırnak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Project Coordinator Dr. Yelderem Akhoundnejad made an informative presentation about the project's purpose, objectives, multiplier effects and expected results. Can Kazım Kuruca, District Governor of Silopi stated that Silopi is one of Turkey's most important agricultural region and followed as; “With this project, we will increase the added value of our province. With this project, we aim to make a great contribution to the economy of our city and our country. With the high production in this area, we will both contribute to the market in our country and we will have the opportunity to trade in Syria and Iraq. With this project, we will provide great employment especially in our province and district. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the realization of this project” . The General Secretary of DİKA, Ahmet Alanlı stating that together with their stakeholders, they carry out researches considering the needs of our region and that they provide financial support to prepared projects, said ; “I hope Greenhouse cultivation activities become widespread in our city with this project. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project”. Şırnak Deputy Mayor Bahar Cavlak said; “First of all, I would like to thank those who contributed to the project. The fact that women will be employed in our project made us even more happy". The Governer Ali Hamza Pehlivan stated that because the investments in this field will provide employment, the steps to be taken in the economic field have a great place in providing and maintaining security and peace in our city. He followed as; “First of all, I would like to thank Şırnak University in the person of our dear Rector, for hosting. In the person of our General Secretary, I would like to thank DİKA, which is the stakeholder and main contractor of the feasibility project, and our stakeholder Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In this regard, we both had initiatives by our Ministry of Agriculture and our Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we communicated with the Antalya Chamber of Industry and Commerce under the name of Sera Fraternity and set out with the aim of working with our relevant professors and experts on the academic aspect of the business, especially in sharing experiences. As you know, Specialized Organized Industrial Zones areas are spreading in our country. I believe that successful results will be achieved as long as this collective understanding which I have expressed at the beginning maintains. Climatic conditions, soil and geographic conditions are suitable for this. We are at a point with many advantages in terms of geographical location. It is our duty to move this forward. I would like to thank all the people and institutions who have contributed. I wish the steps taken in greenhouse cultivation to be beneficial ". Following the 10-minute break , Modern Greenhouse-Themed Workshop started. Academicians who are experts in their fields explained the topic of greenhouse cultivation in all aspects at the workshop and evaluated how high value-added production can be made in our province.

12/25/2020 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi