
A farewell ceremony has been organized for Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aslan Tekinsoy who performed many administrative and academic duties such as vice-rector, dean, and head of department at our university since 2012 and retired due to age limit.Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, General Secretary Assoc. Dr. İbrahim Baz, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Mustafa Eyyuboğlu and many heads of departments, academic and administrative staff attended the ceremony held at the 15 Temmuz Congress and Culture Center. The event started with Mehmet Aslan Tekinsoy's CV presentation and continued with the speeches of the student İlhan Kaplan and Faculty Member Dr. Befrin Neval Bingöl. After the VTR screening that graduate students prepared for Prof. Dr. Tekinsoy, the event continued with the speeches of the General Secretary Assoc. Dr. İbrahim Baz and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aslan Tekinsoy. Following the speeches, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Mustafa Eyyuboglu presented a plaque to Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aslan Tekinsoy. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan also gave him flowers and a plaque on behalf of Şırnak University.

12/17/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi